Alleluia! Three weeks late. The business of lent and holy week knocked me off my feet. Much like the bewildered disciples on Easter day I was tired and almost wondered if the whole thing was a hallucination. But, with time and rest, the truth of Easter and the joy of the Gospel stand firm.
As the disciples encountered a risen and even more perplexing Jesus, they wondered "What now?" They had been following Jesus for 3 years. Do they go back to old jobs? Do they hang out and wait for Jesus to take them to heaven? What now?
At Crossings we ask the same questions - is this real? what now? Over the next few weeks, we will read stories of how Jesus comes to the disciples in the midst of their doubt, confusion and struggles to guide them on the path of becoming a church.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009

We continued our Holy Week remembrance with the celebration of a Passover Seder.
This Jewish meal tells the story of how God freed Israel from the Egyptians in accordance with the commandment to “Remember this day and celebrate it each year as a festival in my honor.”
The last meal that Jesus ate with his disciples was a Passover Seder. It was a great time of love and sharing and teaching before he has to leave them.
Our Seder was seeped in the Jewish traditions of a new friend who brought her family recipes and traditions and was wrapped in the warmth, love and intimacy the Jesus shared with the disciples and commanded us to share with each other.
Drumming a Sacred Passion

In this most holy of weeks, Crossings came together to remember the passion story. Starting with the raising of palms and the joyous entry into Jerusalem - we followed Jesus on his road to the cross.
Drums, images and words guided us through this sacred story and we participated in it through performing the ancient rituals of the church - footwashing, communion, prayers and the stations of the cross.
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