After Jesus was raised from the dead, the disciples were still a little confused about what they were supposed to do. Not having any better ideas, they decided to go fishing because it was familiar, it was "normal." They were out all night and didn't catch anything and in typical Jesus style, Jesus appears and tells them where to cast their nets so that they may catch a lot of fish.
Recognizing Jesus, Peter, in very typical Peter style jumps out of the boat and swims to shore to greet Jesus. But he does something very peculiar, he puts all of his clothes ON. Why?
Peter is in the doghouse a bit. If we can remember, Peter said he would follow Jesus to the cross and yet on the night Jesus was on trial, Peter denied even knowing Jesus 3 times. So he was eager to "make things right."
Peter reaches the shore and finds Jesus cooking over a campfire. Jesus asks Peter if he loves him. Peter says yes. Jesus asks Peter 3 times - this really hurts Peter's feelings because it feels a bit as if Jesus is rubbing it in. Peter gives up.
"Jesus, you know. You know how I feel."
Then Jesus, who has told his disciples many times that he is the good shepherd and that he takes care of the people, tells Peter to feed his sheep and tend his lambs. Jesus hands over the reigns to Peter and puts him in charge.
The Good Shepherd comes to, restores, forgives, heals and carries each of his sheep even and particularly when they mess up.