Grace Potter sings an awesome song called Nothing but the Water. I heard it on the radio one day and stopped short because A.) she has an awesome voice and B.) at a closer listen I thought the words were such a great description of baptism. "Tried my hand at the bible, tried my hand at prayer, but now nothing but the water's gonna bring my soul to bare."
There's something honest about that. We are broken and can't understand what God is or faith is. Half of the time we have a hard enough time even perceiving that God exists. We fall flat. But yet, the water is there.
But how does the water save us?
This week we celebrated Jesus's baptism at the Jordan. Where the Spirit descended upon him like a dove and a voice from Heaven cried out, "This is my Son, with whom I am well pleased."
Jesus was baptized into obedience into God's will for his life and God proclaimed him as his son. His baptism marked the beginning of a three year ministry where he walked among the people - teaching them, healing them, feeding them, chastising them and ultimately dying for them. In Baptism, he received something from God and God claimed him as his son.
In the water, we receive God's mark on our life and he claims us as sons and daughters, irrevokably. Jesus did the hard part. We get the water.
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