Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fisher of Men

In this week's lesson, Jesus comes to the disciples and asks them to become "fishers of men" for him. Fishing is somewhat of an odd way to describe following Jesus. Are we like the disciples... specially called by Jesus to follow him or are we like the fish dragged away from our home and from the masses to a new place? Whether we volunteer or are dragged flipping and flailing toward discipleship it seems like we are called to leave behind our old comfortable way of life to follow Jesus.

It has always been a source of wonder that the disciples left their jobs and lives behind so readily to follow Jesus to who-knows-where. I sometimes wonder whether there is more to it than the personal charisma of Jesus himself. Perhaps Simon or Andrew felt the calling to do something more than just fish for the rest of their lives. Maybe for years they felt a nagging voice that called them to go on an adventure... to do something truly transforming in the world. Maybe when Jesus showed up on a mission from God and called them to leave, an uncomplicated "yes" was the only option their consciences could consider. Do you ever feel that call?

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