At biblestudy, we read how Jesus started the last supper by washing his disciples feet. The message is pretty straight-forward (unlike many other places in John). Jesus said, "If I am your teacher and I am washing your feet. Then you also shall wash other's feet."
Jesus was showing them (and us) what love is. Love is giving. Love us humbling yourself to do something that is "below you." Love is getting wet and dirty and cold for someone.
We had quite a long conversation about Judas. He was there and had his feet washed along with the other disciples. We talked about fate and how much Judas knew or understood his role in fulfilling God's will for Jesus or if he was simply a zealot who was dishearted that Jesus wasn't the type of Messiah that he had been hoping for.
Either way, Jesus washing his feet signifies that love is even more than doing something nice for your friends. It is also giving, humbling yourself in front of those who have hurt you. Regardless of Judas's motivation for betraying Jesus, he was still one of his best friends who handed him over to die. Forgiving and loving friends who have hurt us may be one of the hardest lessons Jesus teaches.
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