This week at Crossings we read the story of the man born blind. Talk about the blues!
This guy is a blind beggar, minding his own business when the disciples decide to turn him into a morality question -- is the blindness his fault or because of his parent's sins.
Jesus spits on the ground and puts mud on his eyes and tells him to wash... people talking about you, putting spit on your face. Kind of a bad day. But this guy seems to be used to the blues. He just goes and washes.
MIRACLE! upon washing the guy can see!
This sets everyone off. Is it really the blind guy? can he really see. Everyone starts whispering. It turns into a big ordeal and people start questioning the guy over and over. Were you really blind? How can you see now?
The man tells his story but no one listens. They are all getting puffed up about Jesus spitting and how improper that is and how he isn't supposed to work on a holy day ("making mud" counts as work).
They keep asking the guy to say that what Jesus did was wrong but the guy can't do that. His life was changed by Jesus. So what they do? They kicked him out the the church.
Dude, talk about the blues. Going from one kind of outcast to another.
but yet, the guy doesn't seem to have the blues. Jesus touched him. Jesus changed him. He has joy that most don't understand.
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