As our lent journey through John begins, we find ourselves with Nicodemous at night coming to Jesus and asking - who are you? who is God? what is heaven like?
In the evening our spirit stirs and we ponder the deep questions of life.
Jesus answers, "Unless you are reborn, you will not see the kingdom of heaven."
Well, if I can't understand God or heaven without being reborn. What does a person do to be reborn? We can't actually become a new person. We are stuck with the bodies we have.
Jesus answers, "You can feel the wind, but you can't see it. So it is with those who are born of water and spirit."
What is spiritual rebirth? and how does it open our eyes to understanding who God is and the deep questions that elude us?
At Crossings this past week, we tried to find words to express spiritual rebirth by reading poetry, stories and verses. As we continue on this lenten journey we seek to find out what this rebirth is and can mean for us.
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