Continuing our Lent journey through John, this week's lesson brought us to the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Their conversation, like and onion had many layers. Each exposing what it is like to have a genuine encounter with God.
First. Jesus approached the woman. She was going about her own business and Jesus interrupted it.
Second. It was an invitation to step out on a limb. By asking the Samaratan woman for a drink he is asking her to step outside her comfort zone into a situation that is strange and uncertain.
Third. It is mysterious. Jesus transforms a conversation about the physical into a conversation about the spiritual.
Forth. It is honest. Jesus knows about the woman and the woman does not hide from Jesus. As he tells her "everything she's ever done," she neither excuses it nor denies it.
Fifth. It is transformative. The encounter with Jesus causes this woman to go from timid and outcast to bold and uniting.
God comes to us where we are, invites us into something uncomfortable and if we can be honest and if we can be brave. He can transform us and use us in amazing ways.
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